Sunday, September 5, 2021

Just rambling Sunday morning

Labor Day Weekend. Summer's last hurrah, eh?

Technically of course summer lasts until September 22 this year. Still, we feel the autumn approach and with it the need (funny that it wasn't such a need until recently) for pumpkin spice everything. 

We rush headlong into too much, don't you think? Many friends have been talking about Halloween for weeks already, and don't even get me started on the Christmas mavens. Why can't we really see things as Ecclesiastes urges us: take seasons and holidays as they come, enjoy them as they are. Makes sense to me.

Ah well. I'll take me Mom out this afternoon because that's what I do most Sundays, then grill some burgers and brats tomorrow on the actual holiday. To everything there is a season. They pass quickly enough without forcing them forward.

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