Saturday, February 26, 2022

Cashless Convention

I believe that the oddest thing I had to deal with in Indianapolis recently has been the cashless nature of the concessions at the Indiana Convention Center. I did not like it.

I understand that there are myriad reasons for their having done it. I understand too that there are advantages to a person in using credit or debit. But I don't care a fig about any of that. I have the right to use cash. I should be able to.

This may not be anything more, I admit, than hard headedness. I want to give you four actual dollars for a cup of coffee and you should be willing to take it. And give me the coffee too of course. That's how, well, maybe not how but it is one way, one very legitimate way, for the economy to work. And I have the right to do business that way. Period. In fact I think we're more secure paying as we go, as cash transactions are untraceable. That does allow us a certain bit of freedom and anonymity, you know.

Or maybe I'm just being crotchety this morning.

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