Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pleading the Fourth

This one might make a better Sunday entry, but as I have to get a few things done at the old barn this Saturday and feel a bit inspired by it this minute, I'll put it out there today.

We all know the Ten Commandments. An old priest once explained to me that they're a hierarchy: though they are each tremendously important in their own right, the lower the number, the more significant it is.

The first three deal with our relationship with God. The other seven concern our relationship with each other. And what's the first of those?

Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.

Why is this Fourth Commandment so important? Of course, because as a rule our parents merit veneration and respect. But beyond that? The priest told me that when you violate any of the other Commandments you at the same time violate this one. Why? Because when you lie, cheat, and steal you're telling the world that your folks taught you that was okay. You impugn their integrity by making it appear they taught you that lying and so forth are all right. You insult your mother and father when you do wrong things.

About time y'all started listening to Momma again, eh?

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