Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A lack of golf fanaticism

My golf league was cancelled yesterday, an event I didn't mind one whit. I do like the game much more than I used to. But I have my limits.

I don't want to play in the rain and cold. Yes, I know you can dress for it, but why? There's no relaxation in that. You're just more entombed in additional clothes. I do not want to become one of those golfers who think like fisherman from the old joke.

You don't know the old joke? Well, it seems two guys were out fishing on a lake in a steady rain. The lake ran along a golf course. There were two guys on the course trying to play in the adverse weather. "Look at those two fools, playing golf in weather like this," remarked one fisherman to the other. He was oblivious to the irony.

I ain't oblivious to irony, and I ain't oblivious to the idea that sports and games aren't fun in poor conditions. I wouldn't play baseball in a field of cobblestones or football in a thunderstorm. I don't like golf in the cold and wet. It just ain't fun.

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