Friday, April 5, 2019

It's early, but

I am so happy that it's baseball season. It's about the only sport, other than curling and golf, that I care deeply about anymore. And I'm not always sure about golf.

My Detroit Tigers have started off well. They're 5-3 after eight games, which I honestly did not expect. Winning a series against the Yankees while only scoring six runs was quite a surprise too. If you would have told me the Tigers would have won five of their first eight games while only scoring 17 runs (not even two per game, and they only reached that pinnacle in hanging a five-spot on the Royals yesterday) I would have said you were nuts. No one wins much, much less five of eight, with such anemic offense.

But hope springs eternal, and baseball comes with the spring. If their pitching keeps up and the bats wake up just a bit, Detroit could make it an interesting summer here in the Motor City.

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