Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The right number

My eldest son shot me a text last night, part of the gist of which that he had several phone numbers for me and he wondered which he should use primarily. I told him to use the Shop number. It's been around awhile, since 1966 in fact, and I intend on keeping it.

I had a cell phone number of my own for about ten years. That fact confused many friends when I got rid of it and made the Shop number my personal cell. I had failed to inform them of the change. Yet that move had many advantages. When me Pops went home, he left me the care of his business. It made no sense to rid myself of an established business number. When I learned that I could transfer that number to a cell, well, the decision was a no brainer. I got rid of my own cell and directed friends and family to call me on the Shop number. Aw Hell, as me Grandpa Joe would say, I was by then the boss. I could take personal calls on a business phone.

So if ya wants t'speak to me, call me business phone. It's that simple. I'll just let ya go to voice mail if I'm tied up making money.

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