Monday, December 30, 2019

Crispy crisps posing as chips

Okay, back to the sublimely ridiculous Marty who tells tall tales or opines about the unimportant.

Among my Christmas gifts was a can of Pringles, intended to be shared with my granddogs as they and I love salty snacks. For the record, I dutifully shared them with the pups, doling them out over a few days in fact to spread the joy. I don't believe the dogs cared for such distribution. But they still gratefully took them when offered.

Pringles used to be called Pringles newfangled potato chips until the government, in its desire to protect us from all enemies foreign, domestic, and within the snack food industry, made them call their product potato crisps (as they were not slices of deep fried potato but potatoes which were pulverized into a mash then deep fried into a chip quality) lest the America consumer fail to see the importance of government protection. After all, who wants to be victimized by potato crisps posing as chips?

Anyway, the size of the can was 4.41 ounces. The can also proudly proclaimed that it was a limited time size. And that affects the quality and That bothers me almost as much as my over protective government ordering the folks at Pringles to relabel their snack food in a protective move which I quite frankly did not need. Nor see the point of. I mean, chips, crisps; is THAT what I pay my taxes for?

But at least Pringles offered the new can size on their own. I think.

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