Sunday, December 1, 2019

The perks

One of the things I learned early on in this life as a Cosgriff was: keep the coffee on. There oughta be a pot on the stove at all times.

In this age of everything instantly that isn't so much of a concern. What with Keurigs and timed drip coffeemakers and all, do we really need to keep the coffee on? It's always right at our fingertips, eh?

True dat. Still, to a perculatin' coffee meister such as meself, it ain't the same. There needs to be a pot on the stove with coffee ready right now. A thirty second wait for your Keurig simply won't do. I must be able to pour a cup right now, this instant. That's how it's supposed to work.

I remember well taking my turn making a pot of coffee at me Grandpa Joe's by the time I was about 12. There were two pots on his stove and when the first one was empty there had to be a second got going right now. It's how things were supposed to be. It's what made the world right.

To this day, or more properly since the day I began keeping only one pot of coffee at a time on my stove, part of me has felt as though I were violating a commandment. Only one? What about the cup needed ten cups from now?

I'm learning to live with it though. But it does go against my grain.

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