Thursday, December 5, 2019

End all be all

News flash: the world is going to Hell. Do what you will, think what you will, hope what you will, but no matter what we human beings think and do, the world's heading straight into the fireball. Outside of the Will of God, it's going to happen. No action inspired by mere human plans and actions can stop it.

But that doesn't mean today. In fact, it likely will not be today, nor anytime soon.

If I've learned anything after 59 years on God's green Earth, beyond the right to speak like an old guy (things was diff'rent when I was a boy I tell ya), is that we ain't perfect. Some of us is less perfect than others, all the way to acting downright evil. I mean that. Because of that (again, outside of Divine intervention, but that's not the point here) the world will destroy itself one day. It will happen. You cannot stop it. You are not and will not be in a position to affect it. Period.

I'm not saying not to work for a better world just the same. You certainly should act within your sphere to do what you can to forestall the day of reckoning. But never mind the peripherals: fake news, President Trump, North Korean nukes, Brexit, any ism you can imagine, impeachment, Fox News over CNN. You cannot affect them on a broad scale. Stop fretting.

Be nice to your neighbor. Help directly someone who needs help. Do your job well. Discuss the issues even, among friends and charitably. I personally believe giving the Almighty His due wouldn't hurt either. But stop feeding the beast.

You're not delaying the end of the world. But you just might be helping to bring it if you stoke the coals for the people actually driving the train. You might then be helping the end come before it must.

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