Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Nativity scene askew

As I drove to Electric Eel (Electric Eel: for all your drain cleaning needs; it's my blog, I can shamelessly plug whatever I want) in the wee hours of the morning one day last week, I saw a Nativity scene in a yard next to a house. There's nothing surprising about that of course. It's that time of year.

It was one of those sets that was made up of plastic statues which could be lit up from the inside. And so they were, every statue. it right to describe a Nativity as lit up?

Anyway, the household already had the three wise men around, which arguably is being ahead of times as they didn't arrive until several days after Jesus' birth. But who am I to argue over minor details?

Anyway again, one of the wise men was laying on his side, presumably because of the wind or whatever. It faced away from the road and also blocked the view of the crib so that you could not see the Christ Child. But as the other statues were duly kneeling with their hands in the prayer position, facing the road and thus the tipped over wise man, it looked to me as though they were all praying over a recently fallen comrade. I burst into laughter at this nativity scene askew.

Am I a bad person?

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