Monday, February 10, 2020

I like February

What's not to like about February? I mean it. What's not to like?

For starters, baseball begins. In my case that means pitchers and catchers report for the Detroit Tigers tomorrow. The first Grapefruit League game is against the Phillies on the 22nd. Baseball is not only America's game, it's not an overhyped game. That alone is one big plus.

Then I always get to stay a few days in Indianapolis for a trade show. This year I get to do that twice, as after this weekend's show ends I get another next week, same bat time, same bat station. Who says history doesn't repeat itself? Indy's got an active downtown, and I'll get to see old friends in a more social atmosphere, at least once the shows let out. Plus I get to make sales to good people. Interaction with customers may be the best part of the whole sales biz.

Then I get to spend a weekend with the Ohio Cosgriffs. You know, The Ohio Cosgriffs. They're good people. Well, I'm kinda fond of them.

Finally, in most years Lent begins. Now, now, now, self denial is a good thing and you know it. But at the risk of going full bore against that good and noble ideal, it also means the start of fish fry season! For me that's the 28th, when St. Francis/St Hedwig parish in Detroit holds their first fry. They're the best. Aw, who I am fooling? They're all the best: deep fried fish and fries and cole slaw and the whole works. I've never been to a bad Catholic fish fry ever. Ev-er.

So February is upon is. What's not to like?

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