Thursday, February 13, 2020

What's on my mind Thursday, February 13, 2020

As I left early this morning amid the lightly falling snow, I noticed a guy clearing the flakes and ice from his car. His car with Florida plates. I hope he's enjoying Michigan.

They say the best things in life are free. I find that generally true: a child's laughter, a beautiful panorama, sunrises and sunsets. But among the things which are high on the list yet with small cost is the aroma of Tim Horton's coffee filling your car on a cold morning. For two bucks, it can give the free things a run for their money.

We're going to end up with about an inch of snow after the various prognosticators were calling for anywhere from one to six, depending on which one caught your ear. It makes me believe that beyond death and taxes, routinely wrong weather forecasts are certain too.

Baseball is coming. Just saying it. Repeating it actually. And I will be repeating it often in the coming weeks.

Baseball is coming.

See? Told ya.

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