Sunday, February 16, 2020

Mom's opinion of appropriate dress

Mom, God bless her, well, she can't always contain expressing herself. That can be quite funny sometimes.

I take her to Saturday Mass most weeks and yesterday was typical. We got to Church a few minutes before four and took pews as far back as we could (in the proper Cosgriff manner) and said our private prayers waiting for the service to begin. Other people began to filter in, taking their seats and going through their own personal religious motions as well.

Eventually a woman came in in what she must have imagined to be her Sunday finest. These were clearly her go to meeting clothes, impeccable right down (right up?) to her hat, a wide and fluffy black and white, uh, Easter bonnet (though we are weeks ahead of Easter) with all kinds of garish accents, ribbons and bows and what all, topped with a huge white feather worthy of a Musketeer. It was a sight I must admit.

The woman passed our pew in search of hers. And as seems to happen right before an, ah, unfortunate instance, the Church became suddenly and inexplicably quiet as she walked by where Mom and I sat. Exactly as all was unimaginably calm Mom saw the woman. And into that perfect storm of silence Mom said quite emphatically, "Whoa!"

I turned my head down and bit my lip hard, because I nearly exploded in laughter. There were a few stifled giggles among the congregation too. For her part, dressed to the nines lady simply continued on to her pew as though nothing was amiss.

Happy Birthday Mom. You made my day.

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