Monday, July 13, 2020

Hobart sentiment

Sentimentality can really take hold of a man.

Knowing that I've needed a new torch set for awhile now, I resolved yesterday to buy one. Once arrived at the store, the Hartland, Michigan Rural King since you're dying to know that I bet, I went around to where they sell such things. Lo and behold, they had a nice set with gauges, hose, a brazing and a cutting tip for the torch, and even goggles and a striker to light it all up with. And, trumpet fanfare please, it was made by Hobart.

Hobart Brothers are a welding industry staple. What made that torch set special to me was that, of all the welding machines me Grandpa Joe rented for all those years, the overwhelming majority were made by Hobart. More than 200 in fact, and maybe approaching 300 if you factor in the number which were burned out and replaced over time. In further fact, Joe bought more new Hobarts in 1953 than anyone else in the country but Ford and Chrysler. That's rarefied air if you ask me.

So I'm tickled to have brand new Hobart products, indeed probably the first new Hobart products a Cosgriff has purchased since 1953.

There. I beat you to the joke. But I am incredibly happy about doing my part to keep a family tradition going.

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