Sunday, July 26, 2020

It just figures

A few days ago while on the road I decided I wanted to buy a certain type of carbonated water. I wanted blood orange flavor. I didn't even know there were such things as blood oranges, oranges with reddish pulp and a raspberry-ish taste, until I stumbled upon this water. It is available through Dollar General on their house brand.

Dollar General stores are everywhere, right? Every wide spot in the road has a DG. Hell, there's even some places where they are the wide spot in the road: no town, no houses, no other buildings, just a Dollar General sitting alone almost as though randomly set down. Anyone own that piece of land? No? Then buy it and put up a DG; what are you waiting for?

My taste for blood orange grew with every turn of the highway, every glimpse of rural town, every mileage marker for the next city of any import. And no Dollar General anywhere. What the heck?

Maybe they hide are readily as they appear, eh?

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