Friday, July 2, 2021

Literally in plain sight

I could not find a machine which I knew was in our Shop for repair. We do all the obvious things when we take in a unit, including tagging the thing with the company or customer's name and a brief description of the problem. Yet I could not find this one particular drain snake.

I searched for over an hour with no luck. Eventually me brother Phil came in. "Do you know where the drain machine for Cloyce's Plumbing is?" I asked, with no small amount of exasperation.

He literally, and I fully realize that the term literally is literally overused but it literally applies here, turned to the machine immediately to his right, took the attached repair card in his hand, and remarked, "You mean this one that says Cloyce's Plumbing on it?" 

The thing was literally (that word again) right by the coffee table, a place where I should never have missed it. "You didn't have to make it look that easy," I responded just a tad timidly, exactly as me Pops would from time to time when in a similar circumstance. 

I could have sworn I had checked that tag and others several times. You do wonder how we can sometimes miss the things right in front of you.

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