Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Tow what

Tow trucks these days don't actually tow. They have large, flat beds which can be angled towards the ground and vehicles are winched upon the bed. The bed is then brought back to level, the car secured, and off to the mechanic. Or impound if your day is going particularly bad.

One day I took a call from a new customer about having his drain machine repaired. He arrived shortly thereafter with his drain snake secured onto the bed of his tow truck. It was, for me anyway, a strange sight.

Now, large drum or cage type snakes can weight 250 pounds or more quite easily and take up a pretty fair amount of space, so I get that you couldn't tool around with one in a Yugo. Still, they are far smaller than your typical car or van. 

The man of course unloaded the machine exactly like he would a car, turning the bed to face downward and rolling the thing gently to ground level. He had to work that day, so on his way to his first real tow he brought his drain machine to me, in a very unique way.

It's probably not all that funny. I even give the man props for inventiveness. Still, I doubt I'll ever see a drain snake being towed again. It certainly looked odd.

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