Wednesday, July 28, 2021


I don't watch the Olympics anymore. It really has little to do with the wokeness which surrounds so much of it, although that's a factor. A big part of it is an increasing disinterest in sports in general. Baseball is the only game I pay more than scant attention to these days.

But with the Olympics in particular the lack of paying any serious attention began about 2008 with the Beijing Games. A great many folks seemed to marvel at the precision of the Chinese, and I will admit that the Opening Ceremonies were impressive on a certain level. Yet it must be said that that was simply Red China trying to show the world how great it is. We should not be impressed with the theatrics of an oppressive regime. Arguably it's only pigs with lipstick.

I know sports and politics can never be completely separated yet I feel they should be. I don't care to be lectured by rich and famous athletes about what a stupid little weasel I am or what a horrible country I live in (while those cowards kowtow to Beijing). I have zero interest in a communist nation being allowed to promote its system on a world stage. It only makes me want to say, and the horse you rode in on. 

So while I may linger on an Olympic broadcast as I channel surf the Games won't occupy my time like the once did. They don't deserve my time these days. It's that simple.


Mike said...

I agree with your comments, but the western world feeds the pigs with lipstick by moving their operations over to China in the name of profits. If we stopped doing business with China they would lose their power. I think because China holds so much America debt, the U.S.will never be able to cut ties with out a severe adjustment I both of our countries.

Charles Martin Cosgriff said...

A lot of truth to what you say Mike. Thanks for commenting!