Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Being an Adult

Being an adult means having a conscience, right? Well thanks to that, I didn't curl this past Monday.

I had been fighting a cold of some sort all weekend. I felt bad on Saturday and really bad on Sunday. Yet by Monday I was coming out of it. I had graduated to feeling 'all right', though weak, still coughing, and with plugged sinuses. But I was going to curl. Yep, I was gonna.

Then along about Noon that voice in my head began taunting. Basically, it was saying if ya don't work ya can't play. I had left the old barn early to rest up for the curling match. But, Marty, if you're too sick to work you're too sick to play. I called me Skip and apologized I wouldn't make it.

Darn conscience. I suppose I shouldn't want to spread illness anyway.

Yeah, let's go with that. It sounds better.

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