Wednesday, March 13, 2024

It Isn't About Science After All

I am totally ripping off my son's response to a blog I wrote awhile back, lamenting that progressives 'worship' science, because I find his response more apt. Science, or more appropriately scientism, is another tool to alter society and nothing more. The original post is here if you care to reference it.

I agree with your post, but I'm also starting to come to a new conclusion: "science" was only a front, and there are no true science worshipers. Certain people found that "science" would allow them to try to discredit religion (at least in their minds). Evolution? No God! Heliocentrism shows the Sun at the center of the Solar System; therefore the Catholic Church is flawed, and nothing else it says is right!

But now we have moved beyond that, and the idea of science as the worshiping altar is pushed aside because it no longer benefits the current theology (the theology of "Me" or "I Want" or something along those lines). Science teaches us that a biological man is a biological man, and nothing, even the most serious of drug regimens and barbarous body alterations, actually changes that at its core. *Science* tells us that, but we conveniently ignore it. Science teaches us that babies in the womb can think, hear, feel, react, and have emotions (the same emotions we trump as the end-all in today's world), but again we ignore our centuries-old, stalwart champion.

And so I'm increasing convinced that finding an ultimate truth in science was never really the goal, and it was a mere tool to attain unscientific-but-desired ends. They don't believe in science as the end-all, and now science is merely becoming another battered, broken body in their wake. It's just another flimsy attempt to justify the whims of current modern desires.

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