Saturday, March 16, 2019

Fun Facts: March 16 edition

I've done it before, I'll do it again. When completely writer's cramped, Marty will go for the cheap out. In other words, I present: This Day in History, March 16.

Jerusalem was captured by the Babylonians on March 16, 597 BC. I've always wondered how they knew back then it was BC.

Today in 1792, King Gustav of Sweden was assassinated at a masquerade ball. Way to put a damper on a party, Count Jacob Johan Anckarström, the shooter. And shooting the king in the back, no less!

March 16, 1802, saw the creation of the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. Go Army!

In 1829, Ohio created High School night classes. This is critical to me as I taught night school for almost 25 years. Go Ohio!

In 1830, the year after 1829, March 16 saw the slowest day in New York Stock Exchange history as only 31 shares were traded. It must have dull waiting for the closing bell.

On March 16, 1872, the first Football Association (soccer) championship was held as the Wanderers beat the Royal Engineers 1-0. This was followed by the first soccer riot when a passer-by was apprehended and forced to watch the entire match.

The American League was formed on March 16, 1900. The Chicago White Stockings, Washington Senators, Milwaukee Brewers, Cleveland Blues, Boston Americans, Philadelphia Athletics, Baltimore Orioles, and the DETROIT TIGERS were the original eight teams. Go Tigers!

By the 1900s there are so many things listed on the sites I've trolled that I don't care to cull through them. So for everyone out there, This Day in History (until 1900).

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