Saturday, May 4, 2019

Derby day

I know next to nothing about horses. About race horses I know even less, mostly just names. War Admiral. Whirlaway. Count Fleet. Secretariat. When you think about it, there are some really cool horse names out there.

Maybe that's why I'm fascinated by the Kentucky Derby. Most of the year I pay zero attention to racing. But on Derby day, the first Saturday of May, I usually end up with the TV on, waiting to see what interesting new name will win.

It actually if inadvertently led to a nice family memory. While in Ohio visiting the aptly named Ohio Cosgriffs, we ended up in a pub and grub for a Saturday dinner. Not realizing it was Derby day, we were surprised to see how crowded it was. Folks were anticipating the race.

Pretty soon my son, daughter-in-law and I were picking who we thought would win. Yes, us, who know squat about thoroughbred racing. We chose on the basis of the names. I picked a horse with an Irish name because, well, it was Irish.

Surprisingly, I don't think any of us 'won'. But it was fun, and I'll be thinking of that day as I tune in to watch the Derby late today. My pick is War of Will. It's a cool name.

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