Saturday, May 25, 2019

Odd walks

I had the most unusual experience of 2019 this morning.

As I left the house for my morning walk today, I grabbed my jacket. Why? Habit I suppose. It's been pretty chilly this spring around Detroit.

That's when the odd thing happened. Within about four blocks, I was actually carrying my jacket. I was warm. Too warm.

What is this strange thing, warmth? And that other strange thing: sunlight. It's been that cold and that cloudy and that rainy in Michigan so far this year. So much so that I just presumed I would need my jacket. Now as I hammer out this blog I have on a short sleeve t-shirt and - gasp - short cargo pants!

Of course, there's a 70% of thunderstorms at two o'clock this afternoon. But we take what we can get.

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