Friday, May 31, 2019

The rose and the Mud Hens

Facebook is quite nice. It helps us keep up with people, and reminds us of good times gone by. This morning it showed me a picture I had posted six years ago today.

After Detroit Tiger Stadium had been torn down but before the City took over the field, people could wander on the remains of the baseball diamond. I did just that several times, and even played pitch and catch with my family on the old field. Cool beans.

One summer day as I took my morning walk I ended up there, and roamed around the field for a few minutes. I noticed something on the pitcher's mound: it was an old Toledo Mud Hens cap, left with a red rose across the bill. I snapped a picture on my phone and apparently shared it to Facebook.

Such things are what stories are made of, and I wonder what the story is behind it. Was it a tribute to Tiger Stadium? A memory a person? A salutation?

I wonder. The picture is on my Facebook page again today. If I can figure out how to add it here, I will. But for now, well, I am happy that Facebook reminded me about it.

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