Monday, May 20, 2019

Joe in Oklahoma

Me Grandpa Joe, he traveled a bit. He was all over the country, he was, seein' this and that in his youth and in his beyond his youth. He was even in Oklahoma, if you can believe that.

He hopped his share of freights and thumbed his share o' rides in his day. Once, he were even makin' his way across the great state of Oklahoma a few years ahead o' the dust bowl. And he was thumbin.

He was picked up by a small group of native Americans, he was, one day. They was ridin' around in an old Model A Ford, they was. They was drinkin' and laughin' and a talkin' and had a bottle whisky they was freely sharin' among themselves. And he was feared for his life and limb, he was. So much so, he did somethin' he never ever did. He lied.

That car was a hoppin' and a joltin' its was across Oklahoma to the point where it concerned even old Joe Cosgriff. It jumped up and hammered itself into the ground on quite a many occasion, it did. And he at one point told his mates what he was travelin' with, that right there, that wide spot in the road, is where I'm headin' to.

It was not anywhere near where he was headin' to. No way in the world. But it suited his purpose. I got him outta that car.

He pretended to get outta that car and he pretended to approach the old house at the end of that old road he was at the end of. It suited his purpose.

And at that point, ol' Joe Cosgriff thanked and saved his soul. He truly did.

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