Tuesday, June 4, 2019

In search of

All I wanted today was a bologna sandwich. That's all. It's not such a big thing, is it? Not a bucket list sort of want anyway.

I like bologna. Maybe that puts me in a decided minority, but so what? It's just a humble sandwich meat. A slice of cheese and a spot of mayo and boom, easy lunch.

Yet my local supermarket had none this morning. I mean exactly that, too: zilch, zero, nada. No bologna.

How can a big neighborhood store not have bologna? I am totally mystified by that.

I could have run around to another store. But my time is worth something, and being self employed I have to really discipline myself not to abuse my lunch hour in search of what should be readily available, and what I do not have to have anyway. So I went home and had the ramen noodles which were already in the larder.

But still: no bologna? If it wasn't real I say it was unreal.

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