Sunday, June 30, 2019

Modern conveniences

As regular readers know, and irregular readers will know in a minute, I bought a new old car recently. I've been liking it too; it was certainly a good move on my part.

And get this: it has a feature where you can cool down the interior as you drive! Yes it does! I believe that the scientists call it 'air' conditioning. You push a button and nice cool air comes out of the slots where heat comes from in the winter (when you push a different button of course).

I am duly impressed. I drove all around northeast Indiana and northwest Ohio this past Thursday, and while it was hot and muggy outside I was perfectly comfortable driving. Indeed I could not wait to get back in my van after stops simply to be comfortable while all the walkers moved about in hot sweat. I even saw a couple cars go by with their windows open, clearly lacking this modern marvel, this 'air' conditioning, and I truly felt bad for them.

I should have bought a twelve year old van a lot sooner than I did.

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