Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bill's blood for whiskey

Me Pops used to give blood regularly. One day as he went to do so he ran into an old friend, whom I'll call him Cloyce just to give him a name. "Where you headed, Bill?" Cloyce asked.

Pops told him. "May I ride along?" Cloyce then asked. Sure, Dad told him. He assumed his buddy might want to give blood too.

They soon arrived at the Red Cross building. As a nurse began to prep the old man she asked Cloyce, "Are you here to give blood too, sir?"

"No," he answered. "But someone told me that blood donors get a shot of whiskey afterward to help replenish themselves. Bill don't drink, so I figured I could get his shot."

They made Cloyce wait for Pops out on the sidewalk.

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