Monday, April 13, 2020

Guys don't talk

Got a call from an old friend, we used to be real close. So goes the old Billy Joel song. Happily the two friends I'm about to discuss, while both indeed being old friends (I feel I've accumulated a lot of those and that's a good thing), we're still close and see each other regularly. This is more about the phone calls.

They both called me over the weekend. They both called just to talk. So we talked, and both conversations were pleasant. But I want to stress that they had called respectively just to talk, just to pass time. What was odd about it was, well, guys as a rule don't call to talk.

Think about it. When a guy uses a phone it's almost always for information purposes. You busy, how about breakfast? What's our tee time this Saturday? Can I borrow your rake? Is your internet out? If they're still working they call other guys about work related stuff. Guys don't call to chat. They call to find things out. They may well talk quite pleasantly at breakfast or on the golf course. But they don't use the phone just to talk.

I do believe this shelter at home thing is affecting us guys profoundly.

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