Monday, April 27, 2020

Driving for work is a pleasure

Like me Pops and me Grandpa Joe before him, I really like going on the road. I like to drive, I like seeing places I've never seen and even seeing places again I've seen countless times before.

I wish I had Joe's penchant for just getting up and leaving. Oh, he didn't do anything like say tomorrow he's going out west and then git. But when he made up his mind to go, when the wanderlust called him, he was gone as soon as feasible. If not sooner.

Me Pops drove as far as Las Vegas with trailer loads of machines and materials for trade shows. Those trips made his jaunts to Orlando, laden similarly, seem like walks in the park.

I haven't been called on to do that but I have driven quite a bit for work. Usually it's just within my territory, but I have drive to northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin, and even northern Mississippi, for my job. I don't know that I could take ten days to go to Vegas what with it just being me and my brother now. But my own wanderlust is sated quite well in and around the Midwest along with the occasional ventures to points further (farther?).

One of the benefits of my job being in the wastewater supply line is that the current COVID issue doesn't affect me. I can still drive as business commands, and I have. I'm glad of that. I suspect Joe and me Pops would have been too.

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