Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Too hot Cloyce

I of all people can appreciate wanting a cup of hot coffee in the morning. It's as American as apple pie, right? Yet I do believe some folks can take it too far.

A good buddy of mine, I'll call him Cloyce just to give him a name, thinks that programmable coffee makers are fantastically innovative innovations right up there with sliced bread. As a percolator man myself, I'll take his word on that. Anyway, he likes that he can have freshly made coffee the moment he gets up every morning. Fair enough.

He also likes microwaves; we all know how convenient they are. But what he really likes is that he can pour a hot cup of joe from his programmable coffee maker and put that cup into the microwave for another two minutes so that it gets really hot.

That's too much for me. I'm not big on piping hot anything. So far as I'm concerned, whether with food or drink, you aren't tasting anything after a point. You're only feeling the sensation of intense heat. It's like when you take of a bite of a bratwurst too quickly off the grill and all the boiling juices burst out. You aren't tasting the food, you're just burning the hell out of the inside of your mouth. In the case of Cloyce's coffee, we're talking searing, flesh burning, scalding heat that way I see it. Then what's really stupid, if you ask me, and I notice you haven't so I'll pretend that you did for the sake of my answering, with coffee that hot you start blowing across the top of your cup and taking dainty little sips trying to cool it. If there's sense in that I truly can't fathom it.

I suppose that if that's what he likes, so be it. But I sure don't see the point.

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