Saturday, April 18, 2020

Talk about the weather

Well, today looks nice. So far. Sunny even though chilly.

What was with that snow here in the D yesterday? I mean, it was April 17th for crying out loud. And it showed all day. At least everything was too warm for it to stick, but still.

I imagine the folks up north will laugh at that. Or even my buddy who lives in Saskatchewan, who sent me pics of a one foot snowfall in May 20 a few years back. A foot of snow on May 20? Unimaginable. But the old guy within me who is becoming a weather wonk had me look up the latest Detroit snow. The latest measurable amount fell on May 9, 1923, and we have had flurries as the late as the 31st, in 1910.

But things look good today. I'm even taking my morning walk for the first time since Monday. Cold weather and the snow have kept me from my daily constitutional. Then I have to put in about six hours at work. Yep, we're still that busy. And my boss is still a jerk.

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