Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Channel Surfing

Well, I was propped up in bed last night with TV for muh friend. Yet its offerings were thin. Could you believe they was nothing on despite their bein' hundreds of channels?

I observed Andy Griffith overseein' Mayberry. No wrong ever lasts in Mayberry, 'ceptin there only having two episodes by the time I caught up to it last evening. I proceeded to channel surf.

They was little in the way of sports beyond poker and cornhole. I got nothing against either, though I scratch me head at cornhole fillin' the airwaves of ESPN. It's fun enough, even tho a simple family reunion pastime seems outta place on national TV. Folks actually make money on that?

Scrolling along the guide channel, one show offered the story description that 'Anna panics at finding her room on fire'. Now, I wouldn't wanna presume to speak for everyone, but it does seem that discovering one's room on fire might just incite a body to panic, sure. But that way of tellin' people what a show is about strikes my soul as understatement. 

Whilst I do pray that Anna's plight was resolved to her benefit, I turned my attention instead to the book I been reading, about the Moon landings. You know, I do believe they may have truly happened.

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