Saturday, January 1, 2022

In With the New

Happy New Year everybody! Today is the day we make resolutions which we have every intention to fulfil, yet are successful perhaps 50% of the time. Okay, 25%. 10%. Do I hear even 1 or 2 percent? Still, many of us try our hand at resolutions. Because, hey, got to have a dream...

My main resolutions are two. One is to lose weight; that's a perennial one for most of us I imagine. But I mean it this time...starting tomorrow, because today is a holiday after all. Everything in moderation, including moderation, I was once told. Of course, the speaker was a smoker, and I don't see how you can do that in moderate doses.

The other is, and I'm truly going to have to force myself to do it (more so than the weight thing) is to begin more strenuously promoting my books. I have two in print (don't be impressed by that, as it's easy to get published if you pay for it), two finished on my computer, a third almost completed, a fourth about half done, and another debuting in a revised edition this January 17. I know how readers are, as I have become one. I only need one title to take off, and they will begin searching for me. Hopefully in a good way.

Still, self promotion is something of which I have always been uncomfortable. I don't mind promoting what is good independent of me: I sell Electric Eel drain cleaners because there's no doubt in my mind they're the best thing out there for all your drain and sewer cleaning needs. But 'Hey, hey, you there, look at me here, what I've done is really cool!' is another beast entirely. It is not a posture I crave. One likes to think things speak for themselves; the bad things we do certainly appear to draw an audience. The good, however, seem to require prompting.

To get straight to the point, I find self promotion gauche. I'm not saying there's necessarily anything wrong with it. Perhaps the issue is only a kind of shyness on my part. I know, I know, Marty shy? But believe me, there are ways in which I am, as that may be. And let's be honest: we tend to look down upon the fellow crashing cymbals as he enters the room. Yet at 61 and soon enough to be 62, if it's gonna work I'm the one who's gotta make it work. So prepare ye for what I intend to be regular flag waving for no other cause than me, although I do hope the books are worth reading too.

All that said, I'm really hoping for a great and memorable 2022. I sincerely hope it is for you. 

And FYI, my titles currently available are in the blurb to the right of this missive. David Gideon is the revised one coming out 1/17. Thank you.

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