Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Mister Son

Me son Frank and I had a nice, long phone talk this past Sunday, around three hours. Man, that boy can talk. Or, more truthfully, listen.

Somewhere along the line he and I began talking about the loss of courtesies such as honorifics. I feel that when introducing someone to someone else, they ought to be called by whatever title they might merit. "This is Mr. Smith," for example. Mr. Smith may then allow the person to call him by a familiar if he's fine with it.

Immediately after saying that I remarked, "Of course, for some reason I don't apply this rule with my children. If while out and about we run into a friend I'll say, "Hi, Cloyce! Oh, this is my son Frank."

"So the next time that happens, Frank, I'll say to Cloyce: "How are you? Oh, and this is my son, Mr. Cosgriff.'" I promised him. Then we each roared with laughter.

When that had died down Frank drolly added, "And the next time someone calls you Mr. Cosgriff, Dad, you can respond, 'Hey, I'm just Marty. Mr. Cosgriff is my son.'"

I don't know about you, but I find the entire concept hilarious.

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