Thursday, June 22, 2023


Unless I miss my guess, today would be the 101st Anniversary of me Grandpaw and Grandmaw Hutchins, me Mom's parents, wedding. Even if I'm wrong, it's this year sometime I'm sure.

A hundred and one years. How different is the world? In 1923 there were no TVs, no computers, and still an awful lot of the nation without electricity. Calvin Coolidge recited the oath of office for President by lamp light in his father's house in Vermont because his dad didn't have electric service. Radio, cars, and air flight were still also in infancy. Many folks died from conditions we don't think twice about anymore, as the medicines and medical techniques we have now weren't even thought of then. Photographs were still rare, and movies had no sound.

Today? Wow. We couldn't live without most of that stuff. Well, I can live without airplanes, but that's an aside. It's been said that the changes during the Twentieth Century were more wide ranging and profound than during any 100 years before. I believe that's true. A lot of it is impressive though, yet we take so much of it for granted. 

We humans. Always on the trail of the next best thing, aren't we?

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