Thursday, June 29, 2023

Pittsburgh Plus Nine

When I'm out and about outside, I wear baseball hats. They keep my hair loss yarmulke from being sunburned. 

I've acquired quite a collection of baseball caps, more than three dozen if I were to guess. The bulk of them are for actual baseball teams. The most recent addition is a dark blue cap with a large white C from the Columbus Clippers Triple-A team, who I saw last month with the Ohio Cosgriffs. They have a very impressive cap with a clipper ship on it which I'm getting next time I'm at Huntington Park, where the team plays.

Obviously, then, I get the majority of my caps from the ballparks I visit. They make great, useful souvenirs. As I walked out of the house for my morning constitutional around 5:30 this past AM, I elected to don my Pittsburgh Pirates cap. I wistfully thought, it's been nine years since I bought this, when me son Frank and I visited PNC Park back in August 2014. 

Wow. Nine years ago. Even my baseball caps are aging!

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