Sunday, June 18, 2023

Because It's True

I have occasionally been asked why I'm Catholic. The short answer, stripped of all the very real and obvious background noise, is because Catholicism is true.

Yet how can we know that? Isn't all that 'belief in God' stuff based on faith? Indeed; but not faith alone. Even faith must be rational. We can test through reason whether our faith is logical.

With the Church, one test lies in the idea that God loves us. Since He loves us, he wants what's best for us, for actual love is wanting what's good for the other person. So Perfect Love would want the good for us.

But it would also understand that we can't attain that good ourselves. So He sends His Son, a part of Him, to offer us the help we need to attain Heaven. A good and loving God would never simply leave us to our own druthers.

It may be faith which tells that Jesus is Lord. Still, that faith is in no way irrational, because it simply makes sense that God is Love, and Love helps us. Any moral way it can. 

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