Friday, June 14, 2024

High Occupancy My Eye

I noticed while coming home down Interstate 75 awhile back that the farther left lanes in central Oakland County are now High Occupancy Vehicle, or HOV lanes, at least during certain hours. That means that only cars and such with at least two passengers can travel along them.

Hogwash, at least morally. My taxes pay for every lane on that road, not just 3 out of 4. Each one. I have as much right to drive along them at any given time as any other driver. I have as much right to reach my destination in as reasonable a time as I can make it as they do theirs. Limiting which lanes I can use is simply wrong.

I don't care about any of the arguments for them. Encouraging ride share? Don't care. I'm not obliged to share my ride with anyone. Encourage less gas usage? Don't care. I can burn all the gas I'm willing to pay for. The environment? It's resilient. Always has been. It will adjust.

Don't tell me that I have to pay for roads I can't use, under normal and reasonable circumstances. It's my road too. Period.

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