Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Lawnmower Man

It took some doing, but I was able to get the mowers up in Hessel (we have two) running. They hadn't started in a long time, and admittedly I hadn't done much about them. Oh, there were a couple feeble attempts from time to time to coax them to life. Yet the machines seemed recalcitrant, unwilling to start on my whim, and I would surrender to their will.

But yesterday I became resolved: they would start. I won't bore you with details, and one took a lot more cajoling than the other, but eventually I was able to stand alongside both as they had roared to life in the afternoon Sun. I must admit to wearing a smug grin as I stared at them puttering. Who's the boss now?

My smile soon turned upside down. The thought rose in my mind that, with running mowers, I had to cut the Hessel grass. No more hiring the local landscaper. 

Now I'm not sure I'm the winner in this.

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