Friday, June 7, 2024

Securely Upset

I wasn't going to write about this, but now I am. Inspiration is the greatest muse.

I sat down at the kitchen table to 'pen' my blog this morning. But I'm using my laptop rather than my desktop computer, where I normally type out the drivel which passes as profound thought and high entertainment. Yet because I've never logged into my Blogger account from the laptop, I was notified that a message had been sent to my cell phone, which is in the next room on the charger. Immediately the phone dinged that I had a message.

Getting up, I hurried (relatively speaking) the few steps and saw a message which said, in short, click yes to verify it's you. I did so. I went back to the computer.

At that point my laptop, exactly as the phone called to me again, asked me through a new window which of three numbers it had just sent to my phone to make absolutely sure I was me. I went back to the phone, pressing on the right number. Then I could finally set to work.

It's a first world problem I know, and how were the powers that be at Blogger to know my cell wasn't right with me? But does all this security, for my protection I'm assured, really help? Or does it merely angry up an old man who just wants to display to the world his writing skills? Either way, it's mild acrobatics which I don't care to do.

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