Monday, July 22, 2024

The Biden Debacle, Again

I have not been this mad in years. Indeed, it's a prime example of why I try to ignore politics anymore. The backbiting and duplicity are, well, sickening.

I'd like to offer a reasoned analysis. But I doubt that I can. Each time I try to go in depth I end up infuriated. That's how despicable this whole episode of our history is. 

This is as bad as if not worse than Watergate. At least Nixon manipulated things for his own selfish gain with only his maniacal ego at work. The Democrats have gamed the system for four years now using a man clearly out of his element merely for their selfish aims. Biden's ok until we might lose an election. Then they try to say, oh man, we didn't know.

You cannot begin to understand nor appreciate the amount of restraint I'm forcing upon myself to not launch into name calling and vitriol. I find it that disgusting.

Who is actually running the country now? If he's incapable of running in an election how can he possibly run these United States? If his mental acuity is that poor he needs to resign. Yet notice the Democrats aren't saying that. He can lead a nation. He just can't lead a party. How can you not see the duplicity at work?

The entire situation is appalling. It reeks of all which is wrong when the desire for power, ha ha, trumps all else.

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