Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Biden Debacle

I tend to shy away from overtly political posts these days. They're simply not fun. Yet that won't keep me from occasionally wandering into the morass.

The debacle with President Biden really grinds my gears. His cognitive issues did not happen overnight; there were signs of them during the 2020 election cycle, quite frankly. There have been signs of them throughout his entire Presidency, and the slow declines of aging rarely happen overnight. Yet Democrats are today somehow shocked over the question, and indeed act as though Biden's troubles only just began. To the likes of George Clooney, the President was fine three months ago. But now he needs to step aside?

You didn't care about his cognitive powers for four years. You assured us within recent memory that the President was all right. Then comes the debate and, oh my God, he's losing it, he has to step aside!

I'll tell you who's losing it: you, Democrats. You want power so bad that you tolerate and encourage an old man who's faculties have been slipping for years so long as he serves your purpose, only to try to jettison him post haste when he's harmful to your cause. So now you're trying to subvert the process, a process you, Democrats, began employing in the 1970s in opening the primaries for the sake of democracy. That's despicable on all kinds of levels. You ought to whipped for elder abuse alone.

Yet Trump is the threat to democracy. Yes, he's a horrible candidate (sorry, Trump supporters) and I sorely wish we could get someone better. But you reap what you sow. We have sown Donald Trump, who at least did a lot of good during his term, and you have sown Joe Biden.

I hope he stays in the race and I hope you can't remove him. You deserve no less, and all that goes along with it. 

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