Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Guard nuns

Me Pops used to travel to a lot of trade shows as part of his job. Mark, one of the guys who regularly attended shows with him, often teased him that my Mom had ways of keeping an eye on him as he moved about the country. She had spies everywhere, he told Pops, so he better be good.

Needless to say Mark got a big laugh one day as he was picking up Dad at an airport in some distant city. As me Pops walked along the hallway after departing the plane, unbeknownst to him he was being followed closely by two nuns in full habits.

They weren't following him per se, of course. They simply happened to be getting off the plane immediately after him. But Mark would have none, ha, ha, of that. "See? Your wife's got people checking up on you!" he cackled at the old man.

Even Dad saw the humor in it.

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