Thursday, February 21, 2019

Poor reading skills (but I was eating breakfast)

On my way to Indianapolis I spent Tuesday night in Springfield, Ohio. Springfield got about five inches of snow between about 1 and 5 AM Wednesday. So it goes.

As I sat in the breakfast area of my hotel Wednesday morning absolutely destroying the complimentary hot breakfast, I watched the TV in the corner. It was going on about the weather. The scroll across the bottom of the screen was listing, one by one, the school closings for the area: Urbana Schools were running two hours late, St. Peter's Catholic School was closed, and so on. Then up popped 'Dayton Low Skills Academy closed'. I thought, wow, that's kind of harsh.

I happened to sit through as the scroll repeated itself. This time, when it came to Dayton I saw that it said Dayton Life Skills Academy closed. I'd read it wrong the first time.

But in my defense, I was highly engaged in destroying the complimentary hot breakfast. To that end, mission accomplished.

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