Thursday, February 28, 2019

Second Sleep

I have for the last several years been going to sleep, well, really anytime after about 6 PM. It fits my schedule rather nicely, because if I have an early day - and my early days may begin as early as 1 AM - then my body is already attuned to it. And we are supposed to regulate our sleep, right? We ought to have roughly the same bedtime habits as close to all the time as we can.

This means of course that many days I'm regularly up (and even about a bit) at two or three in the morning. What do I do? All the things you might guess: channel surf, net surf, answer e-mails, drink that extra cup of coffee which I'm not supposed to, and even pen blogs (if penning is the correct adjective these computer driven days). But then I find myself drowsy at 5:30 or 6.

Typically I set an alarm for anywhere from 7:30-7:45. I can often catch a nap of an hour to an hour and a half. And I'll tell you what: that second sleep refreshes me more than the 7-8 hours I had gotten before. I wake up after my nap feeling better than I did after the full night's sleep. It's a great feeling. Especially as I've never really exhausted all my net surfing, blog penning energies anyway.

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