Sunday, February 3, 2019

The harmless fib

I am not much of a shopper. Still, over the years I have shopped a bit, and have sometimes come up with a couple minor treasures. Once was when I found a red pullover inscribed with the logo of the Major League Baseball Players Alumni Association.

Who's was it, I couldn't tell you. All I know it that I came across it at a second hand store in Dearborn. It fit me so, I bought it. I still have it, although it has become snug over my middle age spread.

I told a kid a fib about it too. I wore it one night teaching, and he was duly impressed. He asked if I played in the Majors. I said, without hesitation, that yep, I did. I spent a few years between the Reds and A's organizations, and made it to Oakland one September for a cup of coffee. I was 1 for 7 with a single and a run scored, I explained. I couldn't have had the shirt without it you know.

I do feel a little bad that some kid, twenty years or more older now, thinks a respected former teacher was an actual MLB player. But hey, I may as well be a legend in someone's mind other than my own.

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