Monday, July 1, 2019

Marty is mean

Yes, I have a mean streak. I try to keep it in check but sometimes it creeps out.

Yesterday a neighbor down the street, I'll call him Cloyce just to give him a name, was out walking his dog. He also, Cloyce, not the dog, had a sling on his right arm. "Watch me confuse ol' Cloyce by making him try to wave at us," I whispered to my brother who was sitting nearby. "Hey Cloyce!" I yelled with a wave from my porch.

Cloyce turned and smiled and started to wave. Yet although he managed to half raise his right arm, the sling kept him from raising it very high. Then he started to wave with his left hand, which held the leash for his dog. The dog was stopped and pulled back slightly, then looked at Cloyce like, what the hey, man? He then, Cloyce, not the dog, kinda shrugged his shoulders at me and went on.

Yeah, I know. But it was fun for me.

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