Thursday, March 19, 2020

A question about health care

Yeah, I'm tired of all the coronavirus talk too. And yeah further, I probably shouldn't even go where I'm about to go. But hell, why should those concerns stop me?

There is a question which has occurred to me which I think needs to be asked and answered honestly but doubt very much that it actually will be on either count. And it is: exactly why were the health care systems of Italy and France and Spain overwhelmed by the virus?

There are two plausible answers that I can see. One is, yes, that the virus was so novel and spread so quickly that no health care system could have anticipated it. It makes a certain sense and is well within the realm of possibility. The other is that their state run health care systems, being notoriously inefficient and uncaring (as government systems tend to be; notice our VA system here in the States), could not have possibly handled the situation anyway. Their bureaucratic nature won't allow it.

I don't know the answer. I'm only asking the question. But it won't get seriously asked or answered anyway because it doesn't fit the narrative. The narrative is that the media in the West and the powers that be in those nations (and too many people in ours) want the government to control health care. And the idea that it can't or shouldn't is simply off the table, not subject to discussion. The idea that private systems might be better suited to respond to crises more quickly and ably is simply seen as nonsense.

The truth is that I don't believe our progressive friends want that question asked. I believe that's because they're afraid of the answer.

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