Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How Marty will vote today

I am going to vote for Bernie Sanders today.

Yes, you read that right. I will vote for the Vermont communist in the Michigan Democrat Primary, and for one simple reason. He's the easiest guy for President Trump to beat in November.

I'm cautiously optimistic Trump will win anyway. But I have no problem stacking the deck so far as I can.

I also will vote no on any and all tax questions, even renewals. The government gets too much of our money and there is little will at any level to reign that in. So I will support none of the ballot issues which even only extend monies already being paid. It's our only direct recourse as taxpayers to trim public spending.

I am not impressed by assertions that such an attitude may not be fair. The Winston Churchill approach to budget cuts suits me fine: use a meat cleaver to chop spending and make people live with it. You want the DIA, the Detroit Institute of Arts, funded? Find the cash somewhere besides my pocket. Or the pockets of thousands of folk who don't care about it and should not be made to care by the cultural elite.

There. I'm voting for Bernie and against taxes today. Wrap your head around that.

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